How COVID Has Changed Healthcare

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented challenges across the globe, profoundly impacting every facet of human life. One of the most profound transformations has been witnessed in the healthcare sector. The pandemic has catalyzed a rapid and comprehensive overhaul of modern healthcare systems, ushering in changes that will likely shape the industry for years

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How Vaccine Inequality Affects Global COVID-19 Response

The pandemic has undoubtedly left a lasting impact globally. But poorer economies may have suffered more than their wealthier counterparts.  According to research, vaccine equality could have added some US$38 billion to low-income countries’ gross domestic product (GDP) for 2021 if they share the same vaccination rates as high-income countries.  In addition to income opportunity

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The Importance of Wearing PPE

Health and safety remain a highly important consideration in the modern workforce, especially when you consider that some 142 people were killed at work during 2020/21. What’s more, 441,000 working people were thought to have sustained an injury at work during the reporting period, with 51,211 such injuries formally reported under the RIDDOR system. But

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How the Pandemic Has Affected Addiction Recovery

As the world works to right itself and reaches at least some sense of normalcy after the pandemic’s reign over the past two years, it faces significant challenges. Both individual and collective wellbeing has been significantly depleted across our entire worldwide population to an unprecedented level. At not only the individual level but from community-wide,

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How Accurate Is the COVID Antigen Test?

Getting tested against COVID is the surest way a person can have to figure out whether they are infected with the COVID-19 virus or not. Rather than going based on the symptoms, active testing in the community is much better as it can help the community and the individual better plan things out in the

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3 Things You Need To Know About COVID-19 Now

Photo by cottonbro: For the past two years, COVID-19 has changed the way we live our lives, upending it and giving us what many call the ‘new normal.’ It has spread across the world and affected over 400 million people. After more than a couple of years of adjusting to strict guidelines, restrictions, and issues,

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