Covid-19 has been a real game-changer and has had a dramatic impact on the way we live our lives, it has also had a profound impact on our mental health, for some of us.

If your mental health has been adversely affected by the global pandemic and subsequent lockdown there are some steps you can take to try and put yourself right and cope with the challenges that the current situation poses.

Help is always available if you need it and you can talk to a professional at telehealth therapy, for instance, and you can also look at some helpful ways to protect your mental health during the lockdown.

Take each day as it comes

It is important to understand that stress is normal human behavior and can actually be healthy, in small doses, but sustained stress is detrimental to your wellbeing and will have negative consequences with regard to your brain health.

A good way of ensuring that you minimize stress during lockdown would be to apply your focus on dealing with each day as it comes and try not to look too far beyond that.

A walk outside where you can soak up the sights and sounds of nature can make a world of difference to your mental state and it can often pay to see how you are feeling each day and then take immediate action to create some positivity in your mind.

Reach out for help

One of the good aspects of having access to so much technology in our lives is the fact that there will be plenty of online resources and social networks you can tap into if you need some help with your emotions or just want to talk to someone.

Look for self-care and wellness options that appeal to you and resonate with how you are feeling and reach out for professional guidance if you find that your mental health is not improving despite your best efforts.

Avoid stress triggers

If you find yourself worrying about the threat and impact of Covid-19 and find yourself getting worried about what the future might hold after watching every news update or reading about the pandemic, that should be a clue to change your habits.

Try to stay away from news updates if they are distressing you and unfollow any social media accounts that tend to make you feel stressed when you read what they have to say about the pandemic and the health consequences attached to the situation.

If you can anticipate stressful scenarios and sources before they have a chance to cause you any distress this should help boost your mental health and general wellbeing.

Eating or drinking too much can also be a common reaction to stress and that can only worsen your predicament over a period of time. Be honest with yourself about your state of mind and take steps to avoid the triggers that make you feel stressed, whatever it may be.

These are unprecedented and uncertain times but you can get through this unharmed with a positive mental attitude and take action to avoid becoming stressed in the first place.