Considered as a new lease on life, the rejuvenating effect of hair transplant on one’s appearance and confidence is undeniable. Affecting the lives of millions of individuals worldwide, statistics show that approximately 50 million men and 30 million women in the US alone experience some form of hair loss. As awareness of hair transplant options grows and the stigma surrounding hair loss diminishes, we’re seeing a significant increase in demand for hair transplant procedures.

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In fact, according to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), approximately 703,183 estimated hair restoration procedures were performed worldwide in 2021. This number goes up to approximately 2,221,191 when both surgical and non-surgical patients are taken into account that were treated worldwide with hair restoration in 2021(1). These are striking numbers that shouldn’t be ignored.

As the number of patients rises, so does the number of hair transplant clinics all around the world.

We spoke to one of the most experienced hair transplant surgeons in Istanbul, Dr. Ozlem Bulu, about her insights into the advancements and transformative effects of modern hair transplant techniques.

Dr Bulu sees patients at Heva Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey. The surgeon and her team have a reputation as the dream team. This is what she says when asked about the uplifting title:

“We achieve incredibly natural results that restore both hairline and hair density with techniques that minimalize the healing time. Surgeon skill is very important to get the desired results because you don’t only need an artistic eye but also very precise hands.

From a patient feedback and satisfaction perspective, our patients rank us very high. I guess that’s because most surgeons disregard the fact that a hair transplant isn’t just about restoring hair, it goes much deeper than that. To my team, it’s about restoring confidence, happiness, and quality of life.”

When asked about the technological developments driving the improvement in hair transplant surgery, Dr. Bulu is of the opinion that the transition from old-school follicular unit transplantation (FUT) to follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique has been the most notable one.

FUE allows for the extraction of individual hair follicles without the need for a linear donor scar, resulting in faster healing and minimal scarring(2). Additionally, robotic-assisted FUE systems are already in use for enhanced precision and efficiency in follicle extraction, leading to an even speedier healing time.

“We are able to achieve unshaven and highest density hair transplantation through methods that go beyond FUE as well.

On the other hand, Turkey is a high achiever in medical care however the country isn’t the best when it comes to global publicity about all that it offers. It may be that staying humble is an important part of our Turkish culture and values. Regardless, I invite patients to do their own research and realize that it doesn’t cost a fortune to create lasting positive change in one’s life. It’s only in Turkey where a top quality hair transplant is priced correctly” continues Dr. Bulu.

Despite the lack of publicity, Turkey seems to absorb a sizeable amount of hair transplant patients while other countries keep an eye on market research to prepare for the anticipated surge in the global hair transplant scene. Turkey made this preparation more than a decade ago and the Turkish government has very strict policies in place to regulate hair transplant clinics.

To summarize it all, Dr. Bulu  simply emphasizes the enhanced self-esteem and confidence that accompanies a successful hair transplant. Latest technology and an abundance of expertise await patients to bring back a feeling of fulfillment and to enjoy a full head of hair.

Heva Clinic in the vibrant city of Istanbul is where the experienced medical team offers her expertise and the clinic puts together seamless trips for international patients. On offer is a perfect blend of a top quality hair transplant, relaxation, and cultural discoveries with accommodation options ranging from luxury private residences to five-star hotels, all included in the package.


  1. International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery 2022 Practice Census Results P.22&23 (
  2. Rassman et al., Journal of Transplantation Technologies & Research 2016, 6:2. Follicular Unit Extraction: Evolution of a Technology (

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