Physical therapy for Patellofemoral Syndrome can help alleviate pain and improve function. This treatment can be done at home or at a clinic. If you are suffering from both kneecap pain, it may take longer to heal. NSAIDs are useful during the rehabilitation process, but they should be taken only if the symptoms persist or if you have other underlying conditions. If you are in need of surgery, your doctor can perform arthroscopic surgery.

Role of a Physiotherapist

Healthbound physiotherapy Etobicoke can diagnose and treat Patellofemoral Syndrome. An X-ray can rule out other injuries and help you get back to normal activities. NSAIDs for pain can be prescribed to help relieve symptoms. The RICE method should be followed to protect your knee and ankle from further damage. Taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. A doctor can also prescribe orthotics to support your foot.

Treatment for Patellofemoral Syndrome is usually symptomatic and conservative measures may be effective. NSAIDs may help you manage pain and swelling and can help you avoid surgery. For severe cases, you should consult a doctor for a thorough diagnosis. There are many ways to treat Patellofemoral Syndrome. The best way is to take care of yourself as soon as possible. Your symptoms can be relieved through exercise, rest, and ice.

Treatment Process

Treatment for Patellofemoral syndrome consists of a variety of techniques. Physical therapy for Patellofemoral Syndrome involves determining the cause of the symptoms, which may be chronic or episodic. The pain is usually accompanied by stiffness and a popping sensation in the front of the knee, which may worsen with squatting or prolonged sitting. Some patients may also experience a sharp grating or creaking sound when bending their knees. Unlike many other musculoskeletal conditions, Patellofemoral syndrome is usually painless and does not result in swelling.

The pain from Patellofemoral Syndrome can be relieved by strengthening the quadriceps muscles. A physical therapist can teach you proper movements for activities such as walking, running, or biking. The patient’s GP can also recommend physiotherapy for the treatment of this condition. If this method does not relieve the pain, it can be considered a temporary solution. A physiotherapist can offer treatment for Patellofemoral Syndrome that is both comfortable and effective.

Causes of Patellofemoral Syndrome

Various factors can lead to Patellofemoral Syndrome.

  • Overuse of the knee joint,
  • poor foot mechanics, and
  • weak gluteal muscles

All lead to the development of this condition. With proper physical therapy, you can determine the cause and return to normal activity. If you have Patellofemoral Syndrome, it is important to see a physical therapist as soon as possible. There are several exercises that you can perform at home to reduce the pain and discomfort.

Physical therapy for Patellofemoral syndrome is generally nonsurgical and can be done in as little as 8 weeks. In severe cases, the patient may need surgery. Chiropractic treatments for Patellofemoral Syndrome are usually recommended as an alternative to surgery. A chiropractor can help you determine the cause of your pain. Your health care provider may suggest the best treatment for your case. If you are suffering from severe pain, your chiropractor will suggest an exercise program to help you get back on your feet.

In the case of Patellofemoral pain, physical therapy will focus on the causes of your pain. A physiotherapist will look at your whole lower extremity to determine what the cause of your Patellofemoral pain is. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your chiropractor may recommend corrective exercises. In some cases, taping the patella will improve the tracking mechanism. If your foot biomechanics are faulty, you will need supportive orthotics to improve your posture.

The Bottom Line

Physical therapy for Patellofemoral syndrome is an excellent choice. It addresses the contributing factors to the pain. It may include corrective exercises and manual therapy. In some cases, a doctor may recommend a supportive orthotic or taping the patella. Often, the only treatment for Patellofemoral pain is rest from sports or activities that cause your pain. When you stop playing sports or reducing your physical activity, your health care provider may prescribe medication.